misted.cc is an online publishing platform: A book of sorts.
Every new moon a writer is invited to contribute with a text that accompanies the moon cycle. Throughout the phasings, the contribution vanishes in direct relation to the number of visitors (approximately 852 readers) leaving, eventually, an empty website until the next contribution is published.
All the previous contributions–now misted–can be found in the archive of the website. Only two contributions remain purposely unmisted: December 2023 and October 2024 moon cycles.
misted.cc was initiated in January 2021 by Clara Amaral in collaboration with Jonathan Mikkelsen (developer) and Karoline Świeżyński (design). In August 2021 Sven Dehens joined misted.cc as a developer. As of the new moon of February 2022, misted.cc has been edited by Clara Amaral and Simon Asencio.
From the new moon of January 2025, misted.cc will follow an interlude and might resume its activities around the second lunar eclipse of 2025.